Amãna Bank has introduced PayWave enabled Visa debit card to offer better payment solutions to its customers.
Using this card, users can pay for their purchases just by tapping or waving their debit cards at PayWave enabled POS machine.
Contactless technology is becoming extremely popular around the world as a quick and easy way to pay on the go.
Amãna bank contactless card encourages tap and go
The EMV chip embedded in this card is similar to other Visa chip cards, which feature several layers of security.
To ensure safety and avoid unauthorised usage, users will receive an OTP on each transaction.
To ensure secure payments between a contactless card and a contactless-enabled POS terminal, the Visa PayWave card uses NFC technology.
Amãna Bank’s vice president of retail banking & marketing Siddeeque Akbar said: “PayWave technology brings in so much convenience and safety to our customers with the ability of having to pay as you go while eliminating the risk of fraudulent transactions as the technology permits the customer to always possess the card when making payments.”
Licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Amãna bank has a network of self-banking centers and over 4000 ATMs.
Amãna offers services like online banking, mobile banking, SMS enabled technology among other services.