Indonesian ride-hailing giant Gojek has snapped mobile PoS startup Moka in a deal worth around $130m, reported Bloomberg.

Neither of the companies gave any official confirmation on the deal.

Headquartered in Jakarta, Moka offers PoS and payments services in over 35,000 restaurants, coffee shops and retail outlets.

Merchants utilising the Moka app can accept debit and credit cards or mobile wallets including WeChat Pay and GoPay.

At the same time, they can track sales, manage inventory, and run loyalty programmes using Moka.

The firm has operations across over 100 Indonesian cities.

The deal, which has been in the works since last year, comes close on the heels of Gojek’s $1.2bn fundraising.

The company raised the capital last month despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

The infusion is said to have strengthened Gojek’s position in the digital payments space in Indonesia.

The timing is crucial as digital payments gain traction in the country amid the Covid-19 crisis.

Speaking during a recent Bloomberg TV interview, GoPay CEO Aldi Haryopratomo said: “Regardless whether it’s good times or bad times, you have to build a really solid foundation of the business.

“We are very lucky to have secured the funding as a group and we are in a position to execute it.”

Meanwhile, Gojek co-CEOs and senior management vowed to donate 25% of their salaries over the next 12 months into a fund.

The fund aims to support drivers and merchants during the global health crisis.