Japanese credit card firm JCB is set to trial multipurpose server-based visible light palm authentication next month at its headquarters in Tokyo.

To carry out the trial, the firm has collaborated with Universal Robot (UR) and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

The test will use UR’s visible light palm authentication – both palm print and vein patterns – to assess technical aspects during registration and payment flow.

A smartphone camera will be used to capture the print and vein patterns of the palm that will be stored on a server, where authentication will be performed and results will be returned to the phone.

The firm noted that it is planning to use of the technology for wide range of services.

This authentication technology is claimed to be highly accurate, with only 1 in 100 billion false acceptance rate or 0.0003% chance of misidentification. The accuracy attributed to use of the palm vein pattern and print identification combination.