All articles by Toni Sekinah

Toni Sekinah

Prepaid Visa RushCard premieres TV commercials with co-founder Russell Simmons

The prepaid Visa RushCard, co-founded by music mogul Russell Simmons, will debut two 60-second television commercials reflecting new branding this week.

Swiff’s Chip & PIN solution is now approved by the Visa Ready Program

Swiff’s chip and pin product has received approval for use with Visa payments through the Visa Ready Program.

Datacard issues prepaid cards to flood victims in Canada

Datacard, a provider of secure ID and card issuance solutions, has been assisting in with the issuance of prepaid cards to flood victims in Canada.

Cardtronics Acquires ATM provider Cardpoint

Global ATM services provider Cardtronics has acquired UK and Germany based Cardpoint.

Advanced Technology Service announces extra secure ID cards

Advanced Technology Service (ATS), a US start-up, has combined personal and biometric data to develop technology that can be used in debit or credit cards.

Wells Fargo and American Express Announce Credit Card Issuing Partnership

Wells Fargo, the 4th biggest bank in the US by assets, is to issue new credit cards on the American Express network.

ElectraCard Services partners with e-Revenue Gateway to offer contactless payments in Nigeria

ElectraCard Services, a payment software company, is teaming up with e-Revenue Gateway to offer contactless payment cards in Nigeria.

Mashreq Bank relaunches its co-branded credit card with Grand Cinemas

Mashreq Bank has re-launched its co-branded credit card with Grand Cinemas, powered by Mastercard Paypass technology.

Absa launches Shari’ah compliant Cheque Bundle Account

Barclays’ South Africa-based subsidiary Absa has launched an Islamic Cheque Value Bundle which is a Shari’ah compliant banking solution.